Hi there!
I'm Hendrik, Hamburg based software engineer passionate about full stack development, software architecture, distributed systems, and web technologies.

Working experience
I have been working as a professional software developer since 2017. I work mainly as a full stack developer with focus on frontend technologies. In my recent projects I have mainly used Java, Kotlin, Spring Boot, Vue, React, Terraform, GCP and Gitlab CI.
At the moment I like to play around with static site generators, Svelte and Quarkus and Vite. Furthermore I'm interested in internet of things and data science.
From time to time I write articles about programming stuff.
Personal interests
I enjoy spending time with my wife Jessica and our two cats. Music plays also a big role in my life. I collect vinyl, I like to go to concerts, and I'm a (self-proclaimed) Spotify power user.
If you love German audio dramas (in German it's "Hörspiele") as much as I do you definitely check out my random episode generator!